I have a T stop nemesis. I see her at least twice a week on the platform in the morning as I'm heading into the office. She's there in her giant fur coat, shuffling side to side, up and down the platform in her routine to ensure that she boards the train ahead of all others. It's a spectacle - and it's annoying as hell.
Usually I watch these things with my typical sense of mild amusement, but I moved past amusement into annoyance quite a while ago. This lady is a nightmare! I watched the other day as she side-shuffled right into another woman, who then lost her balance, and fell onto her knees. No acknowledgment came. No apology followed. That's right, people.
Seriously though, who IS this woman? She's like the opposite of a superhero. She's a T villain, and - I'm not kidding - dangerous to anyone not familiar with the choreography. You get in the way, you're toast. You're going down. You're knocked into busy Beacon Street traffic, or worse, sucked into the vortex of her mothball coat (trust me, I've been there), or most commonly, forcefully slammed into the side of the train (again, yup, been there).
Oh...it gets better! The best part is, once she plows you down so she can board ahead of you, she then plays the "I'm elderly...give up your seat for me" card and hovers over people, staring them down until they gather up their things, stand, and gesture politely for her to be seated.
What?! I'm so done with this.
You know what lady? Here's what I have to say to you (not in person, of course, but here, in my blog...where it's safe): If you have the strength and energy to knock me aside, slam me into side of the train, and sprint up the steps...then I think you just might have the physical stamina to stand for this ride.
Mental note for future: She is SO never getting my seat.
Needless to say, I am against her.
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